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Plascon Woodcare Products

Plascon Woodcare Products

Give your wood furniture, cupboards and countertops the love and attention they need. Choose your dream colour to finish off your wood surface.

Visit TimBuild Stellenbosch to shop our wide range of Placon woodcare products

Plascon Woodcare Products

Appearance: Suede Finish

Application: Exterior

Plascon Woodcare Products

Appearance: Gloss Finish

Application: Interior

Plascon Woodcare Products

Appearance: Gloss Finish

Application: Exterior

Plascon Woodcare Products

Appearance: Gloss Finish

Application: Interior

Plascon Woodcare Products

Appearance: Gloss Finish

Application: Interior

Plascon Woodcare Products

Appearance: Gloss Finish

Application: Exterior

Got any questions or need a quote?

Whether it is a big or small project, our team is available to assist you with any questions or advice you may have.

View Current Specials

Looking to save big on high-quality paints? View our current specials on all our Plascon Paints.