Hardboard Sheets
Looking for hardboards for signage, backings to cupboards, picture frames, or oil canvases? At TimBuild Stellenbosch we stock the full range of hardboards.

Brown Hardboards
Standard sizes
2440 x 1220 mm
2750 x 1700 mm
3660 x 1220 mm
3.2, 4.8 and 6.4 mm
Please check the availability of thicknesses

White Hardboards
Standard sizes
2440 x 1220 mm
2750 x 1830 mm
2.7 and 3.2 mm
Please check the availability of thicknesses

All Pegboards
Standard sizes
2440 x 1220 mm
3.2 mm
Please check the availability of thicknesses

Tempered Hardboards
Standard sizes
2440 x 3660 mm
3660 x 1220 mm
3.2 and 6.4 mm
Please check the availability of thicknesses
Brown Hardboards
Brown Hardboard is used when one wants a bit of pliability in the board. It is often used for curves or as backings of picture frames or block photos. It is used by artists to paint on with oil paints and gives a lovely rigid but smooth finish.
Tempered Hardboards
This hardboard is manufactured using linseed oil in the process to give it more durability as an exterior product. Some people use it for outside signage or chicken farmers use it in the cages to round off the corners.
White Hardboards
White Hardboard is mainly used for the backings of the bedroom and kitchen cupboards. It is easily stapled on and gives a clean and fresh look that can be easily wiped down.
All Pegboards
Pegboards are used in most shopfitting projects. Remember, we cut it to size and you install it. We stock the hooks as well so you can easily set up shop.