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Plascon Paint Preperation Products

Plascon Preparation Products

From Pollyfilla to brush cleaner and everything in-between, TimBuild Stellenbosch has all the paint preparation products you need for your next project

Plascon Paint Preperation Products

Appearance: Liquid

Application: Interior & Exterior

Packaging: 500ml

Plascon Paint Preperation Products

Appearance: Glossy

Packaging: 500ml & 1l

Spread rate: 7m²/l

Plascon Paint Preperation Products

Appearance: Free-flowing Powder

Application: Exterior

Packaging: 12kg

Plascon Paint Preperation Products

Appearance: Free-flowing Powder

Application: Exterior

Packaging: 2kg

Plascon Paint Preperation Products

Appearance: Free-flowing Powder

Application: Exterior

Packaging: 500g

Plascon Paint Preperation Products

Appearance: Smooth White Paste

Application: Interior

Packaging: 500g

Plascon Paint Preperation Products

Appearance: Smooth Paste

Application: Interior

Packaging: 5kg

Plascon Paint Preperation Products

Appearance: Smooth Paste

Application: Interior

Packaging: 2kg

Plascon Paint Preperation Products

Appearance: Smooth Paste

Application: Interior

Packaging: 500g

Plascon Paint Preperation Products

Appearance: Free-flowing Fine Powder

Application: General Purpose

Packaging: 2kg

Plascon Paint Preperation Products

Appearance: Free-flowing Fine Powder

Application: General Purpose

Packaging: 500g

Plascon Paint Preperation Products

Appearance: Free-flowing Powder

Application: Interior

Packaging: 500g

Plascon Paint Preperation Products

Appearance: Free-flowing Powder

Application: General Purpose

Packaging: 2kg

Got any questions or need a quote?

Whether it is a big or small project, our team is available to assist you with any questions or advice you may have.

View Current Specials

Looking to save big on high-quality paints? View our current specials on all our Plascon Paints.